Page |
Location |
Text Appears As |
Text Should Read |
17 |
Figure 2.2 |
Top right figure appears as “-“ |
Top right figure should appear as “+” |
17 |
Figure 2.3 |
Addition/Subtraction top right figure appears as “-“ |
Addition/Subtraction top right figure should appear as “+” |
61 |
Table 4.9 |
Typo: Title reads “Attribute Profiles for Attribute Hierarchy in Figure 4.9” |
Correction: Title should read “Attribute Profiles for Attribute Hierarchy in Figure 4.2” |
63 |
Table 4.10 |
Typo: Title reads “Attribute Profiles for Attribute Hierarchy in Figure 4.9” |
Correction: Title should read “Attribute Profiles for Attribute Hierarchy in Figure 4.2” |
63 |
Table 4.11 |
Typo: Title reads “Attribute Profiles for Attribute Hierarchy in Figure 4.9” |
Correction: Title should read “Attribute Profiles for Attribute Hierarchy in Figure 4.2” |
89 |
Figure 5.1 |
Caption reads: “This figure shows two models with two latent variables…” |
Caption should read: “This figure shows two models each with one latent variable…” |
89 |
Line 7 |
Typo: “nine Items” |
Correction: “nine items” |
99 |
Line 2 |
Typo: “fulfils” |
Correction (American English): “fulfills” |
101 |
Line 14 |
Typo (added word): “…is its two…” |
Correction: “…is two…” |
102 |
Line 7 |
Incorrect Reference Year: “Unlu, 1999” |
Correction: “Unlu, 2006” |
113 |
Line 5 of Section 6.1 |
Typo (added word): “…will first present…” |
Correction: “…will present…” |
127 |
Table 6.8 (column for Item 3) |
Typo: Equation uses (throughout column) |
Correction: Equation should use (throughout column) |
128 |
14 |
Typo: in-line text for parameter reads  |
Correction: in-line text for parameter should read  |
130 |
Table 6.9 (column for Item 3) |
Typo: Equation uses (throughout column) |
Correction: Equation should use (throughout column) |
132 |
Line 20 |
Wrong definition: “…Attribute 3 (“The respondent has gambled with money that he or she intended to spend on something else.”)” |
Correction: “…Attribute 3 (“The respondent has lost relationships because of his or her gambling.”)” |
132 |
Line 25 |
Wrong definition: “…gambling, spent money for gambling that was intended for something else…” |
Correction: “…gambling, lost relationships due to gambling…” |
152 |
Line 2 after Equation 7.2 |
Typo: “… is the main effect parameter associated with Attribute 2…” |
Correction: “… is the main effect parameter associated with Attribute 2…” |
153 |
Line 4 |
Typo: “… main effects “ |
Correction: “… main effects “ |
156 |
Line 4 |
Typo: “…main effects and intercept parameters…” |
Correction: “…main effects and interaction parameters…” |
156 |
Equation 7.7 |
Typo: wrong limits on second sum on right hand side –  |
Correction:  |
159 |
Table 7.7 note |
Typo: “…guessing parameter; slipping parameter.” |
Correction: “…guessing parameter; , slipping parameter.” |
163 |
Table 7.9, Equations 2, 3, 4 |
Typo: wrong subscript on intercept  |
Correction:  |
175 |
Line 3 after Equation 8.2 |
Typo: “…is the a-way interaction effect parameter…” |
Correction: “…is the A-way interaction effect parameter…” |
175 |
Line 8 after Equation 8.2 |
Typo: “…it is a log-linear for the latent…” |
Correction: “…it is a log-linear model for the latent…” |
176 |
Line 30 |
Typo: wrong symbol for structural parameter  |
Correction:  |
187 |
Table 8.7; Tau vector, 8th row |
Typo: .44 |
Correction: 1.44 |
188 |
Table 8.8 |
Log-linear one-way model number of attributes: 2A |
Log-linear one-way model number of attributes: A |
189 |
Line 24 |
Typo: “…or the BAC…” |
Correction: “…or the BIC…” |
197 |
Line 4 of Section 9.3.2 |
Typo: “…CDM Analysis A for Chapter 9.” |
Correction: “…LCDM Analysis A for Chapter 9.” |
207 |
Line 2 |
Typo: “…in Figure 9.8…” |
Correction: “…in Table 9.6…” |
209 |
Line 5 |
Typo: “…the label for the intercept…” |
Correction: “…the label for the intercept and main effect…” |
210 |
Line 4 |
Typo: “…Attribute 1, and l9_12 for Attribute 2…” |
Correction: “…Attribute 1, and l4_12 for Attribute 2…” |
210 |
Item 4 Syntax, Lines 3 and 4 |
Typo: l4_11 and l4_12 are on incorrect lines |
Correction: Equation for t4_2 should be “-(l4_0+l4_12);”, Equation for t4_3 should be “-(l4_0+l4_11);” |
217 |
Line 15 |
Missing negative sign |
Correction: Equation should read “…exp(-2.437)/(1+exp(-2.437)) = .08” |
222 |
Line 4 of Section 9.8.2 |
Typo: “It is…” |
Correction: “…the label for the intercept and main effect…” |
224 |
Line 3 |
Typo: “…DINO model…” |
Correction: “…DINA model…” |
224 |
Line 6 |
Typo: “…DINO model…” |
Correction: “…DINA model…” |
235 |
Line 14 |
Typo: “…Equation 10.2…” |
Correction: “…Equation 10.3…” |
238 |
Line 9 |
Typo: “…Equation 10.2…” |
Correction: “…Equation 10.3…” |
243 |
Line 6 |
Typo:  |
Correction: = 0.50 |
261 |
Line 8 |
Typo:  |
Correction:  |
262 |
Line 12 |
Typo: “Similar…” |
Correction: “Similarly…” |
303 |
Line 16 |
Typo: “Table 13.15” |
Correction: “Table 13.16” |
304 |
Title of Table 13.17 |
Typo:  |
Correction:  |
334 |
Missing reference |
Henson, R., & Douglas, J. (2005). Test construction for cognitive diagnosis. Applied Psychological Measurement, 29, 262-277. |